Lake Oswego Family Law
Forward-thinking and accessible legal advice for today’s family throughout the greater Portland, Oregon area. Representing clients dedicated to preserving relationships and planning for the future. Expertise in problems and solutions that effect:
Children - foster care, DHS, child welfare, adoption, guardianship, free and appropriate education, public school, private school, IEP, 504
Adults - defense of professional license, business license, prenuptial agreements, co-parenting, collaborative divorce, mental health, mental illness, substance abuse, guardianships, disability, incapacity, 3rd party grandparent custody rights, estate planning, revocable living trust, will, power of attorney, healthcare power of attorney, advance directive
Seniors - supported decision making, guardianship, health and medical insurance, Social Security Income, Social Security Disability Income, Medicaid, Medicare, retirement pension benefits, Oregon Public Employees Retirement System, PERS, adult protective services, elder abuse, asset protection and Medicaid Estate Recovery